
We Are All At War

I recently read an article about ARVUT (Considering, worrying, Identifying with a “brother”- fellow Jew) by the well respected Rabbi of the Old City – Rabbi Avigor Neventzal.

We generally talk about feeling and “being as one” with a fellow Jew. 

We are “One Nation”. We are in the one boat and so when there is a hole in one part of the boat – we are ALL affected.

When a Jew is in trouble – we give a helping hand !!

כל ישראל ערבין זה לזה

Rabbi Neventzal takes this ARVUT to another level.

The Rav says that when a non religious person is maybe driving on Shabbat – a religious friend or person SHOULD feel that he is also in that car.

And in the same vein : when a religious-traditional person may be davening-praying in synagogue on Shabbat, a part of his non religious friend is “actually” also with him in that shul/synagogue. Or in other words -the religious Jew is actually “representing” other Jews who may not be praying and therefore he needs to have “super” kavana (concentration) !!!!As such –  true ARVUT – according to Rabbi Neventzal, means that the kids taken hostage to Gaza by Hamas-Nazi-Isis, are also “OUR OWN” kids.The lady raped and shot or the man beheaded is “OUR OWN” mother, neice or family member.IT”S ALSO YOUR SON IN THE ARMY AT THE FOREFRONT IN GAZA DOWN SOUTH OR UP NORTH !!!

That’s true Arvut !! 

And so too – with the families living in and around the Old City. It’s YOUR children under fire from hate filled Arabs. It’s YOUR children being taken around by security guards. It’s YOUR children playing on rooftops because they can’t play in the streets.It’s YOUR homes and families calling for help with security response units and getting medical emergency equipment. The Ateret Cohanim Family – IS ALSO YOUR FAMILY !!!!

We all want to help, volunteer and be part of the war effort. It’s our internal feeling of being part of this beautiful Jewish nation. We were ALL attacked on the 7th October. The Hamas knife penetrated each and every heart of every single Jew.

So on a practical level – Ateret Cohanim is giving you the opportunity to truly be involved.** Help fund emergency medical equipment in our neighbourhoods.** Help fund our security training and equipping our vital security response teams.** Help us fund kosher mehadrin shabbat meals for ALL soldiers at the forefront.(ONLY $25 per soldier for both shabbat meals)Maybe even sponsor a bbq for 75-100 soldiers. ($1800)

By Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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