Are You Coming To Israel?

Join Ateret Cohanim on our frontline, VIP style tours.

Old City Tour – Experience the rebirth of the Jewish community in the Old Jewish Quarter (today’s Muslim and Christian quarters) by joining our three our walking tour of the Old city of Jerusalem.

Shield of Jerusalem Tour – Travel to strategically important neighborhoods surrounding the Old City  and its environs such as Maale Zeitim, Shiloach, and Kidmat Tion. Experience first hand why these neighborhoods are key to keeping Jerusalem safe and united.]

Shiloach/Yemenite Village Tour – Visit the Old Yemenite Village and witness the miraculous return and rebuilding of the Shiloach Neigborhood and Old Yemenite Beit Knesset. Experience breathtaking views and visit real life pioneers in one of the most hotly contested Jerusalem neighborhoods.


Please contact:

Daniel Luria at
or Shani Hikind
to schedule your tour.