Hunting the Fox in Our Midst Dvar Torah Rebbe Akiva, Rosh Hashanah The tractate of Makkot famously ends with the story of four tannaitic sages ascending to see Jerusalem. Rabban Gamliel, Rebbe… 10/01/2024 4 89
Rosh HaShanah and Shabbat: Sounding the Shofar in the Streets of Jerusalem Dvar Torah Jerusalem, Rambam, Rosh Hashanah, Shofar This year, on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, our shuls will be silent from the sound of the shofar.… 09/14/2023 0 883
Coronating God in Jerusalem Dvar Torah Jerusalem, Rosh Hashanah This year the first day of Rosh HaShanah occurs on Shabbat and therefore we refrain from blowing the shofar. While… 09/17/2020 0 1476