Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

God’s Divine Irony and the Arch of Titus

Commissioned by the Emperor Domitian in honor of his now “deified” brother Titus, the famed Arch of Titus still stands on the “Via Sacra” (Sacred Street) of Rome. The arch depicts the triumphant march of the Romans as they sacked the Second Temple and destroyed Jerusalem. It depicts the holy vessels of the Beit HaMidkash […]

Jerusalem and Rome: The Clash of Tzniut and Chitzoniut  

As we progress further into Sefer Bereishit, we turn from the rivalry of Yitzchak and Yishmael to the struggle between Yaakov and Eisav. While the Torah states that Eisav was the father of the nation of Edom, Chazal note in many places that Eisav is really the progenitor of Rome and, by extension, western civilization. […]