Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai: Redeeming the Sparks of the Arzei Levanon Dvar Torah Cedars of Lebanon, David HaMelech, Jerusalem, Rebbe Eliezer ben Hurkenus, Rebbe Yehoshua ben Chananya, Rebbe Yehudah HaNasi, Rebbe Yochanan Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai, one of the greatest disciples of Hillel haZaken, was the chief Torah leader who witnessed the… 08/15/2024 1 95
Joy of All the Earth Dvar Torah Avot, Jerusalem, Korach, Rebbe Yochanan Every Monday, we recite a stirring ode about the beautiful city of Yerushalayim from Tehillim chapter 48. The Bnei Korah… 03/06/2024 0 448