Just Five Minutes
This past week, Rav Zevulun Charlop tz’l, dean of RIETS for over 30 years, was niftar at the age of…
This past week, Rav Zevulun Charlop tz’l, dean of RIETS for over 30 years, was niftar at the age of…
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים May the Omnipresent comfort you among the rest of the mourners of…
In our parsha the Jewish people finally leave Egypt and march towards freedom. This momentous occasion is commemorated every year…
Our parsha stirringly describes the beauty and resources of the Land of Israel, emphasizing that the Jewish people must properly…
Jerusalem has always been a place that is connected to our future. It is true that we the Nation of…