Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Jerusalem in Ashes

Despite Chazal clearly explaining that the true reasons for the laws of parah adumah are ultimately inscrutable, the midrash provides various symbolic interpretations of the laws of our parsha’s opening passages. In one of the Midrash Tanchuma’s renditions of the scriptural passage, it describes the Red Heffer process as a metaphor for the sinful failure […]

The Eternal Hope Of Jerusalem

The Parah Adumah is the classic “chok” or mitzvah that is not comprehendible to even the wisest humans.  It is a rule-breaking ritual that contains internal contradictions.  Yet, despite our inability to fully grasp the mechanism of the ritual, we are still enjoined to study the details of Parah Adumah and uncover relevant life lessons […]