Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Rebbe Chanina and the City of the Deer 

Before formerly inaugurating Aharon and his sons as kohanim, Hashem instructs Moshe Rabbeinu to gather all of Klal Yisrael to the opening of the Ohel Moed. Moshe dutifully does so, allowing all of Bnei Yisrael to witness the proceedings inside the courtyard of the Mishkan. Rebbe Elazar, the great student of Rebbe Akiva, notes that […]

Mikdash Melekh: the Unsung Theme of Lecha Dodi

On the eve of Shabbat, in practically every Jewish community in the world, a beautiful piyyut is recited as part of the text of kabbalat Shabbat. Although historically speaking Lecha Dodi entered our liturgy relatively late in the game, it is probably one of the most beloved and well-known parts of the siddur recited by […]