What can we do for Eretz Yisrael now? Dvar Torah King David, Land of Israel I’ll be honest. After a week of standing in stairwells or bomb shelters with children in my arms, after a… 10/12/2023 0 763
Jerusalem and the Jewish Army Dvar Torah King David, Talmud It is natural for soldiers to be scared when they go out to battle. An overly frightened army, though, can… 08/17/2023 0 1016
The Unifying Heart of the People Dvar Torah Beit HaMikdash, Divine Presence, Jerusalem, King David This week’s haftorah focuses on Shlomo’s prayer upon completing the construction of the Beit HaMikdash. He begins with a statement… 03/03/2022 0 1163
The “Eye” of God Dvar Torah Jerusalem, King David When Yitro tells Moshe that he wants to go back to Midian, Moshe tries to convince Yitro to stay. He… 05/27/2021 0 1235