Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

A United Jerusalem And The End To Terrorism

The double bombing in Jerusalem last week and subsequent search for the suspects in Eastern Jerusalem brings up the need to continue to return Jewish life to all parts of Jerusalem. This includes those neighborhoods where Arabs came in the 1920s, 1930s and ultimately between the years of 1948 and 1967. It is impossible to […]

Jerusalem: The Dew of the World

Torah sources highlight the uniqueness of dew as a sui-generis form of blessing. There are two primary qualities of dew’s blessing. First, dew is constantly being replenished and renewed. The midrash notes that even when God punishes the Jewish people by withholding rain, nonetheless, dew never ceases. Second, as opposed to rain which is unwelcome […]

The Intergenerational Jerusalem

After many decades of waiting, our parsha tells the story of Yitzhak’s birth. This miracle was met with great joy on the part of Avraham and Sarah and the Torah details that on the day that Yitzhak was weaned his parents celebrated with a “great feast.” At the early stages in Yitzhak’s life, though, we […]

From A Pastoral Garden to the Bustling Jerusalem

The story of humanity begins in a garden. The Garden of Eden is a pastoral setting, filled with rivers and beautiful flora and fauna. Prior to their sin, Adam and Chava were able to sense God’s presence through the natural world. It is only after they sinned that they were banished from this pristine natural/spiritual […]

Strength Is The Only Answer To Arab Violence In Jerusalem

Ever since the Arab occupation of Jerusalem began in the early part of the 20th Century, the Jewish population understood that the only real recourse has been strength. This is what led the early Jewish defense forces like the Bironim, Lechi, Irgun, and Haganah to fight for freedom and safety in Jerusalem – even though […]