Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Humility and the Sun of Jerusalem

This week’s parsha describes Moshe as being “the humblest of all people on the face of the earth.” This statement of the Torah is juxtaposed to the unique level of prophecy that Moshe experienced and is clearly intended as the reason for Moshe’s elevated status. How did Moshe, who had such great attributes and achievements, […]

Sinai and Jerusalem: A Journey of Jewish Faith

The story of the Jewish people takes them from Egypt to Sinai and ultimately to Yerushalayim. The Maharal describes that these stations reflect a journey into the essentials of Jewish faith. He traces how each stage in this process deepened and broadened the Jewish people’s faith in God. The Exodus from Egypt instilled within the […]

An Ohel Mo’ed Out of Jerusalem?

The Noam Elimelech opens his commentary to our parsha with an astute observation on the first verse of Vayikra. Our parsha begins “And He called to Moshe, and God spoke with him from the Ohel Mo’ed.” From reading the verse in its entirety it is clear that the initial subject of the verse is God. […]