Building the Sukkah and Yerushalayim
On Sukkot there is a mitzvah to dwell in the Sukkah – “in sukkot you shall dwell for seven days.” …
On Sukkot there is a mitzvah to dwell in the Sukkah – “in sukkot you shall dwell for seven days.” …
This week’s haftorah very fittingly is focused on teshuva. Hoshea movingly tells the people to take stock of their spiritual…
This year the first day of Rosh HaShanah occurs on Shabbat and therefore we refrain from blowing the shofar. While…
On this final Shabbat of the year, we fittingly read about the mitzvah of teshuva (repentance). After describing the Jewish…
We generally think of simcha (joy) and yirah (fear) as mutually exclusive feelings. Experiencing fear or even the solemnity of…
In several instances, the Torah commands us to remember a specific event for posterity. Interestingly, two of the events that…
During their time in the desert, the Jewish people did not have to agonize about their future. While they might…
Our parsha opens with Moshe presenting the Jewish people with a dramatic choice: Behold, I set before you today a…
Our parsha stirringly describes the beauty and resources of the Land of Israel, emphasizing that the Jewish people must properly…
Ateret Cohanim is at the forefront of this revival of Jewish life in and around the Old City with Jewish life returned to the Old City, the City of David, the Shiloach, the Mount of Olives and to Kidmat Zion.
So Jews once rejected G-d and His Torah – please don’t reject Him any longer and if we perform Miztvot – let’s do it with true intention(Kavana)
So Jews were once ashamed of being proud Jews and they tried to “fit-in” and act like the non Jews, in order to be liked by the non jew. It didn’t help, so please – lets be proud of who we are, and let’s be different . We will be respected.