Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Trusting G-D in Jerusalem

In this week’s parsha, Moshe heroically protects his Jewish brother by killing the cruel Egyptian overlord. To protect his standing in Egypt and his life, Moshe tries to hide his actions. However, already the next day, Moshe realizes that the story is out. The Torah describes Moshe’s emotional reaction: “Moshe was frightened and thought: Then […]

The Answer To Terror In Jerusalem Is Greater Jewish Presence

There is an often repeated tactic whenever a severe terror attack happens in Israel – especially in Jerusalem that the police raise their numbers, put down barricades, and increase searches. However, there is another approach. Whenever any terrorist attack happens, more Jews should be moved into what has become “Arab-Only” neighborhoods. This includes Shiloach (aka […]

Our Natural Connection to Jerusalem

Our parsha seems repetitive. Torah describes the events of Eliezer’s trip to Aram Naharaim in great detail. Then, when Eliezer meets Lavan and tells him about his mission and miraculous story, the Torah does not suffice to simply say that Eliezer recounted the story to Lavan. Rather, it records for us the entirety of Eliezer’s […]

“Palestinian” Village Built On Jerusalem Land Is A Challenge To Israeli Sovereignty

Lana is the name of the latest “Palestinian” village, built in the same style as Rawabi, the still under occupied modern “Palestinian” City built in Western Binyamin. Unlike Rawabi, which has its fare share of zoning and environmental impact violations, Lana comes with a far more serious consequence. Part of Lana is actually being built […]