Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Renovations Needed In Two More Jewish Homes In The “Muslim Quarter”

There is a war against the renewal of Jewish life in Jerusalem’s Old City and surrounding neighborhoods. In fact, there is an official fatwa (religious decree) from the PA barring Arab Muslims from selling land or houses to Jews.  The punishment for breaking this law is death. “Palestine is kharaj land (i.e., land belonging to […]

The Holiness and Togetherness of Jerusalem

Our parsha opens with God’s charge to the Jewish people: “Be Holy!” What is the precise meaning of this mandate? Rabbi Shimon Shkop offers a fascinating interpretation. He writes that “hakdashah” or “sanctification” in Jewish law always refers to the designation of an item to a specific and higher purpose. For example, if one has […]

The Unifying Heart of the People

This week’s haftorah focuses on Shlomo’s prayer upon completing the construction of the Beit HaMikdash. He begins with a statement that “God dwells in the heavy cloud,” referring to the “cloud” of the Divine Presence that had just filled the Beit Mikdash. He soon turns to the people and describes that God had never before […]

The Lion of Jerusalem

After receiving the donations for the Mishkan, Moshe informs the Jewish people that God appointed Betzalel and Ahali’av to lead the building operations. Interestingly, the Torah does not suffice with their names but specifies that they were from the tribes of Yehuda and Dan, respectively. Why is this tidbit of information important? Rabbeinu Saadya Gaon […]

In The Struggle For Israel – Names Matter

It is no secret that names play an important role in telling a story or setting a scene. Since 1967 – the Israeli Left who may have purposely forgotten some of their Jewish roots and heritage, refer to the lands that were “liberated or conquered” by Israel from Jordan in the Six Day War as the West […]

Har Sinai, Jerusalem and the Sanctity of the Jewish People

Our parsha discusses the momentous events of God giving the Jewish people the Torah at Har Sinai. As one would expect, when God appeared on the mountain, the space becomes imbued with sanctity. The Torah elaborates in great detail the extent of the preparations and precautions that the Jewish people took to properly relate to […]