Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Understanding How To Stop The Next Old City Attack

On August 14th a lone gun man shot 8 pedestrians just outside of Jerusalem’s Old City and then fled into the Shiloach neighborhood (aka Silwan) of Jerusalem. This neighborhood sits opposite of the City of David on the Eastern side of the Kidron Valley. While at one time Shiloach was a majority Jewish neighborhood, the […]

The Latest Fatwa: Don’t Visit Jerusalem

An Emirati political scientist has publicly come out in support of the Jerusalem Mufti’s Fatwa against muslims visiting Jerusalem through Israel. “A sane Emirati tourist does not visit stolen Palestinian land to expose himself to degrading situations, even on the pretext of visiting Jerusalem,” Dr. Abdul Khaliq Abdullah said. Abdullah has long held antagonistic views […]

BUILDING JERUSALEM: Refuting The Naysayers

In the battle over Jerusalem – especially when it comes to the Old City and the surrounding “Holy Basin,” the Israeli left have become some of the greatest vocal opponents to the reestablishment of Jewish Shiloach (aka Silwan) and the Old Jewish Quarter (aka Muslim Quarter). Take Nir Hasson of Haaretz for example. Hasson, a […]

Its Time To Address The Greek Orthodox Patriarch’s False Claims

Ateret Cohanim does not generally make any comments on any property or acquisition in which it is associated, while matters are still in the courts. However, recent disturbing and possible defamatory or inciting statements by the current Greek Orthodox Patriarch requires a reply. His baseless claims of churches being vandalized, desecrated and threatened by Israeli […]

Is Foreign Money Illegally Funding A Far Left Organization In Jerusalem?

One of the best known organizations committed to keeping Jews from lawfully purchasing land in Jerusalem is Ir Amim. Founded in 2000, the organization seeks to divide Jerusalem, hand away Jewish or Israeli sovereignty, stop Jews from living in any neighborhood of Jerusalem, and paint the work of Ateret Cohanim as racist. Ir Amim has […]