Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Holy Temple on Water

Tucked away in the beautiful writings of Chazal, one can find a deliberate connection being established between the teiva of Noach and the Beit HaMikdash. The Midrash Rabbah (Bereishit Rabbah 26:2) homiletically interprets the verse in Sefer Tehillim (92:14) that describes the righteous tzaddik being planted in the house of Hashem, שתולים בבית ה’. The […]

The Daughters of Israel are Beautiful, All of Israel are Princes 

Last week, we discussed the miraculous redemption of Rebbe Yishmael ben Elisha. After rescuing the grandson of Rebbe Yishamel Kohen Gadol from Rome, Rebbe Yehoshua sent him back to Eretz Yisrael to study Torah with his trusted chavruta and dear colleague, Rebbe Eliezer ben Hurknus. Rebbe Yishmael quickly rose to become one of the greatest […]

Rebbe Yehoshua ben Chananya: the Redemption of Rebbe Yishmael

Rebbe Yehoshua ben Chananya was one of the chief disciples of Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai. As we discussed last week, he lived through the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash and loyally carried his rebbe out of the holy city in order to facilitate an eventual salvation for Torah and Yerushalayim. The Gemara Chagiga informs us […]

The Arzei Levanon of Jerusalem: Rebbe Shimon ben Gamliel

We famously commemorate the ten great martyrs, known as the asarah harugei malchut, every Tisha B’Av and Yom Kippur. These giant Torah sages, likened to towering cedar trees, were cut down by the Romans in brutal fashion. As we near the Three Weeks and the period in which we mourn Jerusalem’s destruction, I thought it […]

VeNahaphoch Hu

The entire story of Megillat Esther takes place in Shushan, the capital city of the Persian empire, located in modern day Iran. No explicit reference is made to Eretz Yisrael, other than the megillah noting Mordechai’s exile from Yerushalayim years before. Haman’s rabid hatred of the Jewish people seems to be directed at the Jews […]

Ten Plagues in Egypt and Ten Miracles in Jerusalem

The fifth chapter in Masekhet Avot delineates many examples of groupings of ten throughout history. Hashem created the world with ten utterances. Avraham Avinu was tested ten times. The Mishna notes that Avraham’s ten successes reflected his undying love for HaKadosh Barukh Hu. Additionally, there were ten plagues brought upon the Egyptians. Concomitant with these […]