Shomer Achi Anochi: The City of Brotherly Responsibility Dvar Torah Abraham, Avraham Avinu An obvious and classic question is annually asked on the Shabbat of Parshat Lech Lecha. Hashem speaks to Avraham Avinu,… 11/07/2024 5 67
Ornan’s Threshing Floor: The Purchase of an Exclusive Relationship Dvar Torah Avraham Avinu, Ma'arat Hamachpeila, Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook, Sarah Immeinu Our parsha opens with the account of Avraham Avinu’s purchase of a burial plot for Sarah Immeinu. Seeking to bury… 11/08/2023 0 649
The Akeidah and Jerusalem’s Pillar of Holy Fire Dvar Torah Akeida, Avraham Avinu, Ohr Kasdim The famous story of the akeidah is familiar to us: Avraham Avinu is called upon by God to bring his… 11/02/2023 0 920