Jerusalem Inspiration

The Sweet Sounds of the Shofar in the Shiloach Are No Longer Silenced!

It was a well known Yemenite custom for many shofars to be blown in unison during the selichot period in the Shiloach. Yemenite Jews would stand together on the rooftop of the main synagogue complex in the Shiloach village, east of the city of David facing the Old City, and together they would blow the shofar – sounds that were heard from afar sending inspiring chills to all who heard.

Sadly- the Arab pogroms of the 1930’s which saw the Jews expelled and the village decimated- also silenced the Shofar sounds and this beautiful Yemenite custom during Selichot.

In 1938 – the custom and shofar sound was driven from the Shiloach and “put away” for safe keeping. 

Until today!

Today- 83 years later- the elongated ram’s horn shofars have has been taken out and blown in unison during an uplifting Yemenite Selichot prayer service held in the Shiloach Beit Knesset.(Lamm Heritage Centre and Synagogue complex).

Today- Yemenite Jews from around the country came to the Shiloach to “reinstate” the old Yemenite custom of blowing many shofars in unison throughout the Selichot.The event was orchestrated by Ateret Cohanim and the committee to renew Jewish life in the Shiloach (spearheaded by Gadi Bashari)

The sweet sounds of the Yemenite shofar are no longer silenced!!!

By Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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