Special October 7th Message

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Today – we both lower our heads and recall with pain the nightmare of the “7th of October”, but we also stand tall and recall with pride the bravery, the courage, the miracles and the resurgence of a united people after the 7th of October.

It feels like a “light year” has passed since that 7TH OCTOBER 2023 – on the day of the biggest single catastrophe that hit Am Yisrael since the Holocaust – AND IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.

The unforgivable massacre orchestrated and put into action by the Amalek of our times – Hamas/Iran, shook our nation – both in and outside of Israel.

Against all logic and morality – it led to unprecedented levels of hatred and illogical (Sometimes violent) antisemitism around the globe.

But it also led to the awakening of the GIANT CALLED “AM YISRAEL”.

Yes – aside from “small but loud” anti Bibi protests – the nation in general threw off the dangerous shackles of disunity from the “6th of October” – and united around Tzahal, to rebound like powerful lions against the Moslem Arab enemy within and beyond our borders.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and G-d willing Iran have felt the wrath of G-d’s People and Army.

  • Victory is no longer an unwanted term.
  • Military might and a decisive victory is what is first needed. 
  • Now we know and have internalized – that you can’t make peace or compromise with an Arab enemy who wishes to destroy you at all costs, even if the “antisemitic world” pushes you towards a warped ceasefire and to make concessions.
  • We now understand that to achieve true peace, one cannot hand away the Land of Israel or just appease ONE’S ENEMIES.

The Jewish People in the main – have finally woken up and realized that it was duped by the radical left and their disastrous left leaning concepts of peace. 

Politicians, media personalities, a host of generals – for years, all spewed the same rhetoric and language.

That the Oslo “dream” – disaster and “Land of Peace” is the answer to all our problems – they said.

Give the Arabs, freedom, land, work, basic weapons for law and order, and money, and all will be ok. 

We have the Iron Dome, cameras, walls, security measures and all will be ok.


The picture of the family raped, brutally murdered and partially burnt, in a tragic and horrific mound of lifeless bodies in Kfar Aza/Beeri  – NEXT TO COLOURFUL PEACE KITES – said it all !!!!

The tens of thousands of rockets/missiles/ mortars and weapons stockpiled……the hundreds of kilometres of tunnels under Gaza and in Lebanon…the ongoing anti israel education from the “River to the Sea” in the Arab sector-PA/Gaza/Lebanon…and the “literal armies” amassed on our back door step said it all !!!!

But thank G-d and with G-d”s help – Israel has truly changed direction and we now have the unique opportunity to make real seismic changes to the region, even maybe without the help of the western nations.

(Yes – A new Middle East from Gaza city to Tehran – but based on our needs and logic)

We are in effect, fighting the battle of the WEST – against pure evil, and Moslem Fundamentalism – but sadly, many nations fail to see the reality. (France, England and others in Europe got rid of the”Jews” – now they will have Muslims, thanks to birthrate and immigration !!!)

G-d willing, our leaders will stay firm to ensure that we dont stop half way -that we dont have a ceasefire before the “job is done”, as one cannot put out half a fire. 

(Yes we need to “take” land and ensure massive buffer zones, Jewish settlement, full control of security and education, and even push the belated process for finally getting the rich Arab states to take care of Arab-Palestinian refugees into their own country…plus maybe ensuring certain clans taking some municipal roles in some rebuilt areas of Gaza….etc)

We cannot afford to leave an Arab enemy in Gaza or in Lebanon.

Hamas as a fighting force must be destroyed, we cannot allow the next generation to be educated with Hamas ideology and Hezbollah must be totally dismantled. 

Lebanon was once the Mediterranean of the Middle East. Iran was once a thriving country before the Ayatollahs. It can happen again – if Israel completes the job and ensures safe borders for the coming generations.

These hate filled violent Moslem Arabs have to be crushed to ensure quiet for maybe 40-50 years or longer.AND NOT A SINGLE MISSILE SHOULD BE TOLERATED LANDING IN ISRAEL. (This was yet another mistake  and misconception made by many Governments – “accepting” missiles down south…..and now from north and from Iran.)


  • They need to internalize that there will never be another Arab state in our G-d given Land of Israel. 
  • There has never been an Arab Palestinian state on our land and there never will be.
  • They may want Jerusalem, but Jerusalem has been, is, and will forever be our united eternal capital. 
  • The Arab nations and the world at large, both need to understand that this true son of Abraham has been blessed with the Land of Israel and we are here to stay !!!!!

In conclusion – We are G-d’s People and we have the moral, historical, natural and legal right to live freely in our own country of Israel (From the River to the Sea) in accordance to the covenant that we made with Him – over 3800 years with our forefathers and once again at Mount Sinai. 

(Yes – we also need to look inwards to see why we are going through this year-long war and get closer to Hashem while at the same time – also destroying the “Amalek” on our borders and within Israel. Let’s not pretend – There is no difference between the Arab Moslem radical in Gaza, Beirut, Ramallah, Lod or Tehran)

AND SO TODAY –  in order to achieve a true victory – we need to work hard & together to ensure that we have 3 powerful and unbreakable domes protecting His Nation.


Article by Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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