On The Ground

From the Shiloach to Damascus Gate, The Ramadan Riots Are Here

The ongoing rioting in many areas of eastern Jerusalem, especially in the Shiloach (Silwan) and the Damascus Gate area by Arabs during Ramadan reached its height over Shabbat.

With constant attacks on Jewish pedestrians, along with molotov cocktails and rock throwing, Arab mobs have been hard to hold back after a full day of instigation during Ramadan prayers.

Daniel Luria, Executive Director of Ateret Cohanim speaks about the violence against the Jewish community in the Shiloach

The Jewish residents in Silwan and the Old City have been hardest hit. Many families had to stay locked into their homes during Shabbat as violence got out of control.

“Ugly head of Arab hatred and the Ramadan riots is raised…with convenient targets being our families in the old Yemenite village of Shiloach,” said Daniel Luria, the Executive Director of Ateret Cohanim. “But we are resolute and no amount of Arab violence will drive us out of our homes.”

Although there is a police present in and around the Old City, much of the violence has gone unchecked, especially in the Shiloach (Silwan) neighborhood.

With still 2 weeks to go in Ramadan, many fear that if the police cannot get the security situation under control, the violence will get far worse.

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