Jerusalem Quiz Grand Finale
Shalom and Chag Yom Yerushalayim Sameach GRAND FINALE of our PARSHA- JERUSALEM QUIZ (10 questions from parsha (Behar Bechukotai) and…
Shalom and Chag Yom Yerushalayim Sameach GRAND FINALE of our PARSHA- JERUSALEM QUIZ (10 questions from parsha (Behar Bechukotai) and…
Our parsha teaches that every seven years the farmer in the Land of Israel must leave their land fallow. The…
Arab terrorists threw a number of Molotov cocktails at a Border Police vehicle, near Abu Dis, in the Jerusalem area.…
Kfar Shiloach, known to the world as Silwan, has a rich Jewish history dating back to the Yemenite Aliyah of…
Ateret Cohanims weekly PJ Quiz A Parsha & Jerusalem (PJ) questionnaire competition. HERE ARE THE ANSWERS to OUR Fifth ATERET…
In regular years, thousands of Jews leave Jerusalem on Lag B’Omer and travel to Meron. This year, however, Lag B’Omer…
Ateret Cohanims weekly PJ Quiz A Parsha & Jerusalem (PJ) questionnaire competition. HERE IS OUR Fifth ATERET COHANIM PJ QUIZ…
It is not by chance that the parsha following Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut this year is Acharei-Mot. The structure…
Three Arab terrorists have now been charged for their March 23rd molotov cocktail attack at both police and Jewish residents.…
After describing the type of leprosy that makes a person a metzora, the Torah describes some of the relevant rules…