Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers


The Daughters of Israel are Beautiful, All of Israel are Princes 

Last week, we discussed the miraculous redemption of Rebbe Yishmael ben Elisha. After rescuing the grandson of Rebbe Yishamel Kohen Gadol from Rome, Rebbe Yehoshua sent him back to Eretz Yisrael to study Torah with his trusted chavruta and dear colleague, Rebbe Eliezer ben Hurknus. Rebbe Yishmael quickly rose to become one of the greatest […]

Let The IDF Win!

“Hezbollah caught off guard with  preemptive attack by Israel. But then Hezbollah fires hundreds of rockets and drones to north of Israel…” Sadly – the day will be called the “Dolphinarium missile attack of Hezbollah!” It seems that only when Tel Aviv is threatened – does Israel act with greater force, yet it’s still NOT ENOUGH. We can’t […]

Rebbe Yehoshua ben Chananya: the Redemption of Rebbe Yishmael

Rebbe Yehoshua ben Chananya was one of the chief disciples of Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai. As we discussed last week, he lived through the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash and loyally carried his rebbe out of the holy city in order to facilitate an eventual salvation for Torah and Yerushalayim. The Gemara Chagiga informs us […]

Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai: Redeeming the Sparks of the Arzei Levanon

Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai, one of the greatest disciples of Hillel haZaken, was the chief Torah leader who witnessed the darkest period of churban. As Jerusalem was being torn apart by rebel-infighting and Jewish self-hatred, Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai hatched a plan to escape the city and convince the Romans to allow for the survival […]

God’s Divine Irony and the Arch of Titus

Commissioned by the Emperor Domitian in honor of his now “deified” brother Titus, the famed Arch of Titus still stands on the “Via Sacra” (Sacred Street) of Rome. The arch depicts the triumphant march of the Romans as they sacked the Second Temple and destroyed Jerusalem. It depicts the holy vessels of the Beit HaMidkash […]

MORE JOY IN THE OLD CITY – Mazal Tov Ateret Cohanim

OUR ANSWER TO THE “AL AQSA FLOOD” & to the anti Israel and ignorant ICJ** –  A new Jewish family into the old Jewish Quarter (Moslem Quarter) of the Old City Jerusalem. The Azut Family (Liran and Miriam plus 6 children) have just moved into Beit Gita, inside the Old City near the Flowers Gate […]

Hashem’s Tefillin and the Tiferet of Jerusalem

The Gemara Berachot (6a) famously makes a fascinating and astounding assertion. HaKadosh Baruch Hu “wears” tefillin that contain verses referencing Klal Yisrael’s unique greatness. Just as we don our tefillin which contain chapters that declare Hashem’s unity and greatness, God in turn “dons” tefillin that declare, “who is like Your nation Yisrael, one nation in […]

Weekly War Update: Israeli Air Force Flattens Yemen Port

Israel Burns Down Yemen Port One day after a Houthi suicide drone evaded Israel’s defense and struck a building in Tel Aviv, killing one and injuring ten others, Israel struck back against Yemen for the first time since after months of attacks by the Houthis on Israel’s population centers. The Israeli Air Force reached the […]

The Arzei Levanon of Jerusalem: Rebbe Yishmael Kohen Gadol

Last week, we discussed the martyrdom of Rebbe Shimon ben Gamliel, the first of the asarah harguei malchut. Hazal tell us (Otzer Midrashim, Asarah Harugei Malchut) that the brutal beheading of Rebbe Shimon occurred in front of Rebbe Yishmael, the great sage and high priest in Jerusalem, as he himself awaited his execution. Rebbe Yishmael […]