Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers


Summary of the last year – the War of Survival  – “Swords of Iron” – “Al Aqsa Flood”

Massacre of 7th October still reverberates and is fresh in our minds. We remember the unforgivable barbarism and violence perpetrated by Moslem Arabs : Hamas terrorists and “not so innocent” civilians.  October 7th was a tragedy of inconceivable proportions with 1200 holy souls brutally murdered and worse – unseen since the Holocaust. Israelis from all sides now know: […]

Hunting the Fox in Our Midst

The tractate of Makkot famously ends with the story of four tannaitic sages ascending to see Jerusalem. Rabban Gamliel, Rebbe Elazar ben Azaryah, Rebbe Yehoshua, and Rebbe Akiva lived immediately after the destruction of the second temple. They would periodically return to Jerusalem, presumably to yearnfully pray for the city’s restoration. When they reached the […]

Divrei Torah on Jerusalem

Divrei Torah on Jerusalem by Rabbi Reuven Schreier   Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilech / פָּרָשַׁת נִצָּבִים־וַיֵּלֶךְ Migdal David: the Burdensome Stone of Jerusalem Migdal David, the Tower of David, is a classic landmark of the old city of Jerusalem. Standing right next to Sha’ar Yafo, thousands of residents and visitors pass by the fortress daily. The citadel […]

Cherna Moskowitz: The Pearl of Jerusalem

Once in a generation does time stop for a moment in Jerusalem. Once in a generation there’s a dark cloud with a beautiful silver lining symbolically hovering over theskies in Jerusalem. Lichvod the Moskowitz family here in Jerusalem and overseas – our hearts are with you at this time.Sadly and tragically – most of the […]

Anointed for War: Jerusalem Leads Us Into Battle

This week’s Torah portion describes various halachot pertaining to war. Given what has transpired over the last 10 months, the last two aliyot particularly strike a painful chord, while simultaneously reminding us of what makes Klal Yisrael so special. The Torah describes the mitzvah of the Kohen Meshuach Milchama, the priest who is anointed to […]

“Hostages Found Dead?”

“Hostages found dead?” That’s what major news outlets are writing. And this is an absolute disgrace but typical antisemitic and hypocritical world bias against Israel and Jews. Let’s call it what it is – The 6 hostages were brutally executed by genocidal Hamas terrorists who have huge support from Gazans and other radical Muslim countries around the world. Let’s also understand that […]

Lapid Is Simply Wrong About Netanyahu and October 7th

Does Lapid honestly think that the Jewish people have short memories and are so  “shallow and stupid”? His anti-Bibi antics are clear for all to see. Yes , a lot could be said and will be written about the effect of the left wing Kaplan protests. Alot could be said about the sinat chinam – […]