Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers


Jerusalem Is On The Frontlines

During a recent visit into the Shiloach I had the opportunity to explore some of the latest Jewish property that had recently been returned to Jewish hands after Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that Arabs had been squatting on the property for decades. The newest property is part of the Yemenite Village, a large area in […]

The Tzaddik of Sedom and the Tzaddik of Jerusalem

Avraham Avinu famously takes on the role of defense attorney for the evil people of Sedom and Amorah. Although these decrepit societies were the antithesis of everything that Avraham stood for, he boldly prays on their behalf when HaKadosh Baruch Hu informs Avraham that He is considering destroying them. (It is worth noting in this […]

Shomer Achi Anochi: The City of Brotherly Responsibility

An obvious and classic question is annually asked on the Shabbat of Parshat Lech Lecha. Hashem speaks to Avraham Avinu, selecting him for the most awesome divine mission that will change the destiny of his progeny forever. He is promised a great nation, fame, and blessing. Not many people in history merited direct communication with […]

New Middle East: The Truth And The Vision Based On The Torah And Facts

Truth/Fact 1 – The Land of Israel – all lands west of the Jordan River till the Mediterranean Sea were given to the Jewish People by Hashem, as an eternal heritage and inheritance. An unbreakable covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and later ratified at Mt Sinai with Moshe Rabbeinu. (G-d creates the world and can GIVE […]

Holy Temple on Water

Tucked away in the beautiful writings of Chazal, one can find a deliberate connection being established between the teiva of Noach and the Beit HaMikdash. The Midrash Rabbah (Bereishit Rabbah 26:2) homiletically interprets the verse in Sefer Tehillim (92:14) that describes the righteous tzaddik being planted in the house of Hashem, שתולים בבית ה’. The […]

Jerusalem and the Divine Image

The Gemara Yoma (64b) records a fundamental debate amongst the Tannaim as to how the world was created. Throughout the extended discussion, the Chachamim, the sages of the beit medrash, conclude that Jerusalem is truly the center of the world. מציון נבראו, both the land and sky were created from Tzion. The אבן שתייה serves as the Foundational Stone for all of creation.  This central role of Jerusalem is […]

Bundled Together Lifnei Hashem

Only once a year was entry into the Kodesh HaKadoshim sanctioned. With the service of the haktarat haketoret, the burning of the incense, the Kohen Gadol was allowed to enter the holiest sanctum in the world. The Gemara Keritot (6a-6b) explicates the various different ingredients of the ketoret and their measurements. Almost all of the […]