
POETIC JUSTICE: Mufti’s Home Is To Be Turned Into A Synagogue

Sometimes we are forced to wait decades for true revenge on the enemies of the Jewish people, but when wheels of history turn and our chance to rectify a past injustice against us occurs, the wait is worth it.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who some say was the inspiration for Hitler’s Final Solution, was not only caught and tried by the allies, but now his house in Jerusalem will be turned into a synagogue.

Daniel Luria, executive director of Ateret Cohanim said the following: “There is a beautiful poetic justice when you see the house of Hajj Amin al-Husseini crumbling down.”

While the buying of this property occurred a while ago, the zoning allowing for the change of status of the house and an addition tens of apartments is what has occurred during the week of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

History is a reflection of the Creator’s overt providence in the world. Hajj Amin al-Husseini was perhaps one of the worst enemy’s the Jewish people had in the 20th Century, but G-D’s hand moves the process forward and even hands the property of our enemies over to us at the end of the day.

By David Mark

David is Ateret Cohanim's Director of Communications. He is a long time Land of Israel Activist, writer and film maker.

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