
Lapid Is Simply Wrong About Netanyahu and October 7th

Does Lapid honestly think that the Jewish people have short memories and are so  “shallow and stupid”?

His anti-Bibi antics are clear for all to see.

Yes , a lot could be said and will be written about the effect of the left wing Kaplan protests. Alot could be said about the sinat chinam – “senseless hatred” among us and the left wing threats of not serving in the army. 

Yes -a lot has already been written about the “twisted and wrong assessments” and theories of the so-called experts of the military and intelligence echelon. Alot could even be said about many weak governments not seeing the writing on the wall and ignoring the signs.

The theories of allowing the flow of millions of dollars to Gaza…giving them work permits, ignoring the hate education-ideology in Gaza and Yesha and thinking that an Iron Dome plus a huge concrete barrier with cameras will placate the Arabs and “Shalom Al Yisrael” – and all will be ok – WERE SIMPLY TOTALLY WRONG.

All the above is true.

But it’s not the core problem.

October the 7th happened because the sons of Abraham don’t get along. This is a religious war.

The Arab world has basically never accepted that this son of Abraham has returned home to his G-d given Land of Israel : Eretz Yisrael!

We have had many pogroms even before 1948, multiple wars, and intifadas to prove the point.

October the 7th happened because hate education was allowed to fester within Gaza and Judea and Samaria. It happened because there is Amalek on our back doorstep in the shape of the Arabs in our region – in the form of the PA/Hamas/Hezbollah and other violent groups.

October the 7th happened because the left wing did not listen to the warnings of the right wing at the start of the Oslo disaster and nightmare that also led to the Gush Katif expulsion and the giving of weapons to our Arab enemies.

When one hands away your own homeland. When you give the enemy a taste of victory while you forget such terms. When you give them hope of creating another Arab/Palestinian State -at your expense. When you give them weapons and don’t respond properly when the first bullet or missile is fired. When you allow your enemy to educate violence, hate and the destruction of the tiny Jewish State and you allow the glorification of terrorists.

Then and only then will you end up with a huge enemy on your borders. And up with October 7th!


Lapid – I’m no Likud voter and maybe Bibi Netanyahu needs to soon retire from politics along with many others at top government and army positions.(We definitely need new fresh faces, theories and ideologically driven generals who want to win – in the government and the army)

But don’t have the audacity and arrogance to pretend that you are squeaky clean. You along with many other left leaning politicians who pushed for “Land for Peace” and the “Oslo Disaster”  have a huge role to play in the tragedy of October 7th. 

You and the leftwing radicals of this country have created this mess, and now we have a huge dangerous Moslem Arab enemy (Who felt pride of Hamas atrocities on October 7th), under our noses and only a few kilometers away from every city center in the country – on our current borders and within Judea and Samaria.

Lapid – Dont look to blame others and how they assessed reports or what they knew or didn’t know. 

Look into the mirror and look at what you and your cohorts created and promoted for decades.

Neither you nor Netanyahu fired a missile from Lebanon or Gaza and neither of you obviously pulled the trigger and nor did you kill-burn-rape-behead a single Israeli citizen.

But when assessing and trying to understand how the 7th of October could have happened and why – please don’t be so short sighted, shallow, and ignorant to think that it’s all because of maybe not reading “ambiguous assessments” from the military intelligence in the months preceding the 7th October.

It’s far, far deeper !!!

 . ** Note -this writer also believes that if there is senseless hatred between Jews in Israel, and if there is an anti religious attitude of some in the country (eg/stopping prayers on Yom Kippur, pulling off head coverings, disallowing simchat Torah in tel Aviv, overturning tefillin tables….etc) – or in other words  -a breaking of the “covenant” between G-d and His people -then this doesn’t bode well for us and we will be punished. 

The views in this article are those solely of the author.

By Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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