Jerusalem Is On The Frontlines
During a recent visit into the Shiloach I had the opportunity to explore some of the latest Jewish property that had recently been returned to Jewish hands after Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that Arabs had been squatting on the property for decades. The newest property is part of the Yemenite Village, a large area in what has been renamed by the Arabs as Silwan. The Yemenite Village is a Hekdesh or protected trust, set aside in perpetuity by the original Jewish inhabitants who were forcibly evicted by marauding Arabs in 1938.
This was not my first foray into the Shiloach. I have been to the neighborhood countless times as part of my work with Ateret Cohanim, but what made this trip significant is what I found inside one of the homes, that had been recently returned to the Yemenite Hekdesh. The Arab squatters that lived in the building did not leave peacefully, but rather destroyed the inside of the building. They knocked down walls, put holes in the floor and staircase, pulled electrical infrastructure out – essentially making the property unlivable without a major renovation.

Yet, this is not all that I found when walking through the house. A picture caught my eye that symbolizes the struggle we now find ourselves in. The picture showed Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem – more specifically Har HaHayit.
Anyone who believes this struggle is territorial is misguided – it is purely spiritual. The Arab Muslims want Jerusalem, because they believe it is theirs – given to them by Allah. History and facts do not matter to them and they are willing to destroy everything to conquer Jerusalem.
The faster that we the Jewish people and those supporting our eternal rights to our ancient capital and homeland understand that there can be no compromise with a culture and people that rather destroy than build and denies reality in order to strengthen their belief that Jerusalem is theirs and theirs only, the faster we will win.
If you are interested in helping renovate these buildings please contact Daniel Luria at