
From Gaza To Jerusalem, The Goals Of Hamas Are Clear

When one wonders about the current war with Hamas and tries to dissect what their aims are, the Nazi-Jihadists themselves make it clear that they are coming for Jerusalem. After all they named their operation Al Aqsa Flood.

Hamas specifically, and the Arabs in general want one thing – to conquer Jerusalem from the Jewish people. This is why we have to break their hope that this will ever happen.

Islam believe strongly in Dar Islam – the concept that where ever Islam has been in control is considered eternally Muslim. Jihadist Arabs are only considered defeated when they lose land. This is why it is important that Gaza is resettled by Jews.

Jerusalem is the same. The more houses we buy and the more neighborhoods we return Jews to, the more the Arab will to conquer Jerusalem and the rest of Israel will be broken. Hamas is an idea as much as it is a terror group. In order to win we must complete the return of all of Jerusalem to the Jewish people.

By David Mark

David is Ateret Cohanim's Director of Communications. He is a long time Land of Israel Activist, writer and film maker.

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