On The Ground

Discrimination Against Jews In The Heart Of Jerusalem

One of the biggest challenges in restoring former Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem that we have in Ateret Cohanim is the fact that the “Palestinian” Authority and other Muslim leaders have issued a Fatwa or religious decree against selling property to Jews.


Think about it. In most of the world, it is forbidden to discriminate against anyone buying a property based upon religion or race. In fact if someone denied the ability to a Jew to buy a house in Lakewood or Boca Raton, that would be viewed as bigotry. In Jerusalem, it is par for the course.

This fatwa was passed in 2018 by Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem. The fatwa bans Muslims from “facilitating the transfer of ownership of any part of Jerusalem or the land of Palestine to the enemies.”

We have personally witnessed Arabs who have been caught selling to Jews have their life threatened, tortured, and jailed. Issam Akel was one such Arab who when found to be selling his property, was jailed and threatened with death in a “Palestinian” Authority prison. His situation was bleak until America stepped in and saved him.

The Jewish people have been through a lot. Yet, we have returned to our homeland and our eternal capital. We all pray that this discriminatory and racist behavior by the “Palestinian” Authority ends. Not only because it is wrong to treat Jews or anyone that way, but because their own people deserve better.

By David Mark

David is Ateret Cohanim's Director of Communications. He is a long time Land of Israel Activist, writer and film maker.

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