
Cherna Moskowitz: The Pearl of Jerusalem

Once in a generation does time stop for a moment in Jerusalem.

Once in a generation there’s a dark cloud with a beautiful silver lining symbolically hovering over the
skies in Jerusalem.

Lichvod the Moskowitz family here in Jerusalem and overseas – our hearts are with you at this time.
Sadly and tragically – most of the recent levayot in Israel since the 7th of October have been of young
brave soldiers and others who were -ישראל לעם נפש מוסר- sacrificed their lives for the Jewish
nation, but which were cut short by this war of survival.

This levaya for the elegant, regal “lady of Jerusalem” – Cherna Moskowitz is vastly different.
Yes – there is the Moskowitz family and their personal internal sadness and the loss of a mother,
grandmother and great grandmother.

But there is also the national loss and sadness that is felt by Am Yisrael. And this goes hand in hand
with the national aspect of saluting and appreciating the very full life of chessed, tzeddakah,
mesirut nefesh, redeeming and building Jerusalem and Yesha, and the nonstop giving by Cherna to
Am Yisrael, Tzahal and Eretz Yisrael in general.

It’s time to briefly look back at this giant pillar of a woman and her years full of massive
achievements that have had monumental impacts on Jerusalem and the Jewish people and will
continue to reverberate for the generations to come.

Back in June 2016, around the time of the Levaya of Cherna’s powerhouse husband Irving z”l, I
wrote and spoke of the Rothschild and Montefiore of our generation. But I said then and I will
reiterate today – It was the “two of them” – the ideological dynamic duo – Irving & Cherna.
And let’s not forget that behind every great man is a supporting and greater woman !!! That’s

  • Together they kept Yerushalayim alive and pumping.
  • Together they redeemed, reclaimed and rebuilt Jerusalem.
  • Together – from that very first cheque over 40 years ago that redeemed the Yeshiva Chayei
    Olam in the Old Jewish Quarter, the Flowers gate compound, Neot David, Beit Valero, Beit
    Dolgin, Beit Gita, Beit Ari, …..Cherna’s personal “baby-and favourite” – the beautiful Beit
    Knesset Ohel Yitzchak, other Old City and City of David properties, ……involvement with the
    opening of the Kotel tunnels, …….to Beit Orot, ……..the “jewel in the crown” project against
    the odds of Maaleh HaZeitim, …….to the revival of Jewish life in the Shiloach – including
    helping reclaim the original Yemenite Beit Knesset of the Shiloach, …..and the very symbolic
    Muftis residence and the Shefer Hotel project –Ganei Yitzchak.
    And after Irving wasn’t maybe able to be practically involved – the drive, vision, the actions and
    gamut of projects in Jerusalem and throughout Israel (some of which are still unfolding) – over many
    years, were all powered forward by Cherna herself – until not so long ago.
    One of her life’s goals and dreams was keeping a united Jerusalem in Jewish hands for generations
    to come. She saw and witnessed her dreams realized.
    After seeing the fox running thru the ruins on the Temple Mount – Rabbi Akiva may have smiled for
    he knew that the day would come when Jerusalem would be redeemed and rebuilt.
    Well- Cherna smiled for she made it happen with G-d’s help and with the blessings from Above. And
    yes – She knew exactly what to do with those blessings.

For these reasons today the stones and the families in the heart of Jerusalem weep, smile,
and salute the lady of Jerusalem.

Aside from Jerusalem and Yesha – Cherna’s chessed and giving – also went STRAIGHT to our
modern day Maccabbees – Yashar LaChayal – changing the lives and helping protect thousands of
IDF soldiers.

And beyond Tzahal – was the everyday person in NEED – from soup kitchens and the poor……to
struggling yeshivot….rebuilding Synagogues and building medical facilities.
With Cherna and those who helped her put things into action – no one falls between the cracks.
From financing a taxi to take a child to rehab sessions and treatment if the family couldn’t afford
such things……to financing transplants or special operations in Israel or overseas, that weren’t
covered by medical insurance.

All done quietly and respectfully with no fanfare or plaques.

Pure chessed or as we say nowadays –chessed on steroids.

Through Ateret Cohanim I have had the honour and pleasure to have known Cherna for around 24

I don’t stand here as a family member, but rather as someone who has revered Cherna and seen
from up close what she has done and what has been the impact of her love, generosity and support
towards Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael –especially Yerushalayim, the Army of Yisrael and Torat Yisrael.
And I want to say from the bottom of my heart – TODA CHERNA !!!

When writing these words, I thought about great women throughout our glorious Jewish history who
brought splendor and honour to the Jewish people – and I think that Cherna was a wonderful
combination of 3 special Jewish women.

  • Number 1 – Ruth with her chessed that was plentiful and unsurpassed.
  • Number 2 – Golda Meir was known as the “Iron Lady of Israel”.
  • Cherna was regal, elegant, modest, quietly spoken and down to earth – yet also powerful
    and very strong minded and willed.
  • Cherna was and is the “Lady of Jerusalem”.And number
  • 3 – Shlomzion Hamalka – the loved queen of Israel around 2100 years ago and the sister of
    the head of the Sanhedrin – shimon ben shetac She may have only ruled for 9 years but she
    was revered by Am Yisrael for solidifying Jerusalem as a pulsating religious centre of Jewish
    life, repaired the Temple and built Jerusalem…..brought security and glory to Israel and she
    expanded the Israeli army and ensured it was well equipped. This too is Cherna.
    But it must also be said – that she never just thought about the big ideological projects and the
    needs of Jerusalem. Cherna was also into the details – the small sometimes overlooked but
    important things that also needed input, care and love – like the students, mothers, and children
    themselves on the ground in the various neighbourhoods. For example –it was Cherna after sitting
    with some mothers in Kidmat Zion over coffee, cake, quiche and salad, that she had an idea to set
    up a coffee shop (הגג על קפה (overlooking the mountains in Jerusalem…and she helped make it

It wasn’t just the vital financial backing that made Cherna and Irving z’l great pillars and builders of

It was also the pleasure and joy that she had talking and being with the pioneering mothers and
families in and around the Old City.



And so today – many children, many families, hundreds of army units and hundreds of everyday
people throughout Israel are shedding a tear and are saddened by the loss of this giant lady of

But they- or we are also saluting and applauding the full wonderful life of success and
achievements and of building Jerusalem.

Not many people can talk about leaving a legacy.

Cherna Moskowitz surely can !!!

The current war is called by the Moslem world as the AL AQSA FLOOD. Many of the missiles landing
down south for over a decade had AL Quds written on them.


Standing at the Jerusalem forefront for close to 40 years and defending the city against the Arab
onslaught, hatred desires and violence – has been our families, our supporters and the helm for
much of this period with Mati Dan – has been Cherna Moskowitz.

The way to survive a FLOOD – this Al Aqsa Flood – is to be united in the Ark- or ship. Cherna in many
ways has been the master or major steward and co-captain helping steer the ship or ark.
These aren’t easy shoes to fill.

In conclusion we say: המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

HAMAKOM – is usually explained to be that Hashem who is found in every place – HE will give
comfort to the mourners.

I was once told that HaMakom can also be THE PLACE – where the real person –his or her essence
–the real being of the person-character-neshama goes when the body gets old or breaks down. The
real person just changes location and goes to THE PLACE – and this is meant to give comfort to the

But maybe HaMakom can be Jerusalem as we saw in the weeks Parsha written on many

And in the case for Cherna – maybe we can say that every place “touched” by Cherna or the
Moskowitz hand in Jerusalem – המקום – this will give all of us comfort.
Cherna is here all around us – in our families, our buildings, our Batei Knesset, our neighborhoods,
– מקום בכל – IN EVERY PLACE

Her essence, her being, and neshama has now joined Irving z’l in the Other World- Olam Haba.
Let’s hope and pray that together and with the other Tzaddikim and builders of Jerusalem, that they
will help tip the scales in our favor with Hashem.
יהי זכרה ברוך

By Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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