Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

The Twin Redemptions of Speech and Jerusalem

In our parsha we read about the horrible oppression of the Jewish people in Egypt. The Torah describes that the Egyptians worked them to the point of exhaustion and murdered them. One would assume that the focus of this era in Jewish history is the physical labor, the oppression and the threat to their physical […]

The Kings of Jerusalem

This week’s parsha features the titanic struggle between the two kings of the Jewish people – Yosef and Yehuda. The midrash associates this confrontation with the following verses in Tehillim: For behold, the kings have assembled; they have passed together. They saw, so they wondered; they were startled, yea, they were bewildered. A quaking seized […]

Jerusalem: The Dew of the World

Torah sources highlight the uniqueness of dew as a sui-generis form of blessing. There are two primary qualities of dew’s blessing. First, dew is constantly being replenished and renewed. The midrash notes that even when God punishes the Jewish people by withholding rain, nonetheless, dew never ceases. Second, as opposed to rain which is unwelcome […]

The Highs And Lows of Jerusalem

This week’s parsha and the conclusion of last week’s parsha are a study in contrasts. Parshat VaYeira concludes with the epic and otherworldly story of the Akeidah. As if out of nowhere, God appears to Avraham and tells him to offer his son as a sacrifice. According to the midrash several supernatural events occurred along […]

The Intergenerational Jerusalem

After many decades of waiting, our parsha tells the story of Yitzhak’s birth. This miracle was met with great joy on the part of Avraham and Sarah and the Torah details that on the day that Yitzhak was weaned his parents celebrated with a “great feast.” At the early stages in Yitzhak’s life, though, we […]