Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

“We are not a conquering people; we are returning home.”

“Dear and beloved people, it is with sorrow that I inform you that my dear and beloved son Roy has passed away. My hero, Roy, chose a command path. He commanded as a platoon leader in the Tomer Company of the Givati Brigade’s Rotem Battalion. The soldiers in the company come from religious homes. They […]

Jerusalem Day World Appeal – 5784

THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS TILL JERUSALEM DAY !! (כ”ח אייר) IT’S THE TIME OF YEAR FOR OUR YOM YERUSHALAYIM (Jerusalem Day – 4/5th June) WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN. Ateret Cohanim annual fundraiser! Plus our annual Jerusalem Day dinner  for those in the TriState area of New York. Tuesday Evening 4th June –  Yom YerushalayimThis year we (American Friends of Ateret Cohanim) are honouring Shai Graucher for […]

Douglas Murray – A True Friend of Am Yisrael

This past Shabbos afternoon, our Shul was jam packed with almost 2000 people forgoing their Shabbos shluf to hear from our very special guest Douglas Murray. English commentator, journalist, world renowned speaker, best-selling author and Israel supporter extraordinaire. As he walked in and stepped up to the pulpit he was visibly taken aback by the […]

Under The Fog Of War, Kidmat Tzion Is Not Only Approved, But Gets A Bus Stop

Kidmat Tzion has always been viewed as the last piece of an essential fabric of Jewish neighborhoods in the eastern part of Jerusalem that when approved will spell the end of a “palestinian” state. It essentially blocks a potential corridor from Abu Dis to Jerusalem’s Old City. Abu Dis is an Arab occupied neighborhood or […]