
Arabs Firebomb Jewish Homes In Jerusalem On Shabbat

A massive firebomb attack happened in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Kfar Shiloach over Shabbat.

Shabbat saw one of the worst firebombing attacks on

Shabbat saw one of the worst firebombing attacks on

Daniel Luria – spokesperson and director from Ateret Cohanim said,
“No amount of hate filled Arab attacks and Molotov cocktails will ever dampen the spirit and resolve of the Jewish families living in the area.
We call on the more moderate Arabs to take a stand against the violent Arab clans and we call on the Israeli authorities to take a strong hand against these Arab lawbreakers and destroyers of peace. The eventual and obvious response of Ateret Cohanim will be to simply add more Jewish life to the old Yemenite neighbourhood of Shiloach. We were once driven out by Arabs and it won’t be happening again.”

a Jewish home in years in Jerusalem. The security footage above shows just how dangerous and frightening the attack was.

Kfar Shiloach, known in the world as Silwan was the home of a growing Yemenite community until it was destroyed in 1938.

Ateret Cohanim has been returning Jewish families to Kfar Shiloach since the 1990s, rehabilitating the neighborhood. Despite this, many Arabs have reacted violently to the Jews living peacefully in the neighborhood.

This past Shabbat the firebombing reached a new level creating a situation that was clearly unbearable and dangerous. Thankfully no one was hurt.

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