A Prayer to say before taking the Corona Vaccine
Dear Friend and Donor,

The Covid 19 Pandemic has been a difficult challenge for the entire world. We have all witnessed and experienced the lockdowns, the sickness and in some cases the tragic deaths of family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. We pray that soon it will be over and thank G-D that day is fast approaching. Vaccines have begun here in the United States and Israel and that, together with following the guidelines of mask wearing and social distancing, will bring an end to this sad chapter in world history.
Like all difficult moments in history, and like all darkness, we know that the sun will shine again and bring us happy smiles, renewed vigor and rekindled hope. Our challenge in the days ahead is to learn from past experience and work diligently toward a brighter future. As students of Jewish history, we have seen our greatest accomplishments following redemption from difficult times. The modern State of Israel which grew out of the ashes of WWII and the united city of Jerusalem which we witnessed just 50 years ago after the 6 Day War, are just two examples of immense light after total darkness.
Our ancestors made a vow to keep moving forward. We echo that vow and look to the challenges ahead to recover from the pandemic. There is much we need to do for our children living in the Old City of Jerusalem. Our Wittenberg children’s activities center and other programs have been mostly dormant and will need to be refurbished. Our Ateret Cohanim office will need to get back to full capacity so we can welcome the thousands of tourists we hope will be returning to Israel, and life returning to normal will bring the vicissitudes that need correction. Your continued help is not only welcome it is needed.
So we ask that you recite the prayer we have enclosed when you get your vaccine which will, please G-D protect you from the virus and help restore us to our past lives of family gatherings, travel, in-school education for our children and grandchildren, full synagogue attendance and travel. And we ask you to pray for the good health of the Old City, Jerusalem, Israel, the United States and the entire world, as we herald in the next great chapter of Jewish history.
Your generous donation can be made on line https://www.ateretcohanim.org/donate/
Thank You
Shani Hikind,
Executive Vice President, American Friends of Ateret Cohanim
Dr. JosephFrager, Chairman, Executive Council
Mati Dan, Chairman Ateret Cohanim – Israel
Daniel Luria, Executive Director Ateret Cohanim – Israel