
New Middle East: The Truth And The Vision Based On The Torah And Facts

Truth/Fact 1 – The Land of Israel – all lands west of the Jordan River till the Mediterranean Sea were given to the Jewish People by Hashem, as an eternal heritage and inheritance. An unbreakable covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and later ratified at Mt Sinai with Moshe Rabbeinu.

(G-d creates the world and can GIVE any land to anyone. HE gave Israel to His People. We are obliged to act in accordance with His Ways and His Torah.)

Truth/Fact 2 – The League of Nations in San Remo (1921-22) declared that the areas west of the Jordan River were to be the Jewish National Homeland (British controlled Palestine). 

The area was based on the Bible-Torah.

(Note – the original “Palestine” initially included the lands east of the Jordan River, but deals made by the British with Arab clans helped create the State of Jordan and a shrinking by 2/3rds of Israel/Jewish National Home-Palestine)

Truth/Fact 3 – There has never been in history a legal or internationally recognized entity called the Arab Palestinian people or a Palestinian Homeland/State.

Even in the years from 1948 till 1967 – the lands known as the Judea & Samaria (aka -west bank) were part of Jordan and no Arab Palestinian State was established on these lands. (Gaza was part of Egypt and the Golan was part of Strip for these 19 yrs – NO ARAB  PALESTINE)

Truth/Fact 4 – Millions of Moslem Arabs are sworn enemies of Israel and pray/dream/act for the destruction of Israel. From the “River to the Sea” means exactly this – the destruction of Israel. This is their dream  (Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran and supporters)  and it has been the focus of hate filled ideology since the massive return of Jews to our homeland in the early-mid 1800s. (Well before the establishment of the State of Israel) 

Truth/Fact 5 – In the years 1947-52, there were 850,000 Jews expelled from Moslem Arab countries. These “Jewish refugees” were not used as political pawns or kept in refugee camps. They became part of the new State of Israel.

At the same time and due to wars thrust on the fledgling Jewish state by the surrounding hostile Arab States – there were also the same number of Arab refugees.(&50-800K) They were kept as political pawns and kept in refugee camps around the Middle East, till this very day.

The Vision:

1/ Oslo and the concept of “Land for peace” has to be buried asap.

2/ There can never be an Arab Palestinian State on any land west of the Jordan River.

3/ Israel must annex Judea and Samaria and resettle the Gaza strip.

4/ The Arab States in the region must share responsibility for finally dealing with the Arab refugee problem and the millions of Arabs in Gaza and Judea & Samaria. Some to be dispersed and taken by 22 Arab States in the region.

5/ Arabs who wish to accept and live in the Jewish State of Israel, will have all rights (Barring voting in the national elections) and all obligations including 3 years of national service.

6/ Israel will have full control of security and education in the area from the River to the sea, including the Gaza strip. Moslem Arabs (those who wish to remain in the Jewish State) will have municipal input and control)

7/ Israel must retain military and security control of the area south of the Litani River in South Lebanon and ensure that Hezbollah is demilitarized. Kill zones of 2-3 kms or more are needed in South Lebanon.

8/ The PA/Hamas in Judea and Samaria must be radicalized and stripped of their weapons. Tzahal must retake control of all areas “A’.

Israel must take control of the education and building in these areas. 

(Illegal Arab building in the areas once known as A-B-C must be stopped) 

** With the ultimate defeat of Hezbollah and the hopeful disarming of Hezbollah and the return to UN resolution 1559, Lebanon could one day again become a flourishing peaceful country. Hezbollah and Iran have been holding Lebanon – hostage!!

Given sectarian violence over the years and the mistrust between Christians, Maronites, Sunnis, Shiites, there may be a need for dividing up Lebanon into provinces. 

** Although beyond the scope of Israel’s power – it is possible for the Iranian People to rise up against the Ayatollahs – if there is enough military and economic pressure put on Iran.

A new and peaceful Middle East is indeed possible.

Israel is at the forefront of this change. 

A united Jewish people can make this happen.


Hoping for better days….for Amalek…..Magog and others to be crushed and wiped out…..for weapons or war to be turned into working tools….and for kids to play in the streets of Jerusalem !!!


By Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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